Hi all,
I’m doing an online Origami Owl party (jewelry party), which is basically necklaces that you can customize with little charms and whatnot. It’s adorable and addicting… there’s your warning. Anywho, the only reason I’m posting this here is because I created a Cookie Brigade-themed necklace using selected charms and lockets. If you’re interested in ordering you can use my jewelry bar link: http://www.melissatackabury.origamiowl.com/parties/AngelaRhodesRhodes554200/collections.ashx
I selected the following items for a total of $87 before shipping:
Large silver twist living locket base
Large o2 blue locket face
16" sterling silver cable chain
Crystal silver p initial charm
Crystal silver a initial charm
Crystal silver x initial charm
Silver rolling pin charm
Reversible silver night signature hex swarovski crystal
Silk signature hex swarovski crystal (2)
I wish I could just link my shopping cart but I can’t seem to find a way to do it. Anyways, I’ll just leave this here for anyone interested, and of course there are tons of other options. To the admins, if I’m not really supposed to link to this sort of stuff feel free to take it down, I won’t be offended.