Donating Cookies to Cookie Brigade

Hi all! I love to bake and have been testing out recipes on my co-workers, and have come across a couple that have worked really well. I would love to be able to bake some cookies to donate to the Cookie Brigade’s cause, but I would not be able to be a Brigadier as I am an Enforcer :frowning:

Is it possible to donate batches of cookies to the Cookie Brigade?

[quote=“faerielaurelyn, post:1, topic:1395”]
Hi all! I love to bake and have been testing out recipes on my co-workers, and have come across a couple that have worked really well. I would love to be able to bake some cookies to donate to the Cookie Brigade’s cause, but I would not be able to be a Brigadier as I am an Enforcer :frowning:

Is it possible to donate batches of cookies to the Cookie Brigade?[/quote]

Hi Faerie, I’m assuming you mean for PAX Prime? We’d be happy to take any tasty cookies you want to donate.

We keep a lot of the event specific information locked on the site, so you’ll want to fill out our application to join the brigade first:

Applications are generally processed within a day, once you’re a brigadier you can join our planning group for Prime which has the information for baking and donating along with where you can drop off cookies.

There will be some emails with that information going out this weekend to members of the Prime organizing group.

Also PS, you’re a brigadier for donating. ;D

Brigadiers are all of our volunteers from bakers to organizers and distributors. The brigade definitely wouldn’t happen without the awesome bakers who volunteer and donate tasty stuff.