I really don't want to make three dresses, Random Topic Strikes again!

I also, Don’t want to do a 15 page paper either…

How is everyone doing? PAX Aus is over now, and PAX East is coming up along with the holidays.

I just realized today that PAX South and PAX East are both in the same quarter. I think I’m going to go to PAX South just to make sure our startup over there is successful. I expect there to be less pins there and because of that I expect I wont be as crazed and have more time to distribute.
The realization that I wont be at East is… disheartening.
Also, as of Friday, I am not failing any of my classes. SOOO That’s nice I guess? LOL

Yeah, with next quarter its going to be a nightmare for me even though i’m taking 4 classes. I’ll send my support by sending cookies to both events.

Good job on passing! :slight_smile:

I’ve practically retreated into the safety of my room for the past 2 semesters. School has completely taken over, but the end is near!! Finish this semester and begin my internship next semester then done. However, this means the vacation days I had set aside for PAX South and East don’t mean anything since i’ll be interning in Altanta… I won’t be able to go to either, and am super bummed. But, I’ll be mailing cookies, so that’s something =( But on a happy note, I’m so beyond glad to hear how well Aus went!

[quote=“kohanai, post:4, topic:1621”]
I’ve practically retreated into the safety of my room for the past 2 semesters. School has completely taken over, but the end is near!! Finish this semester and begin my internship next semester then done. However, this means the vacation days I had set aside for PAX South and East don’t mean anything since i’ll be interning in Altanta… I won’t be able to go to either, and am super bummed. But, I’ll be mailing cookies, so that’s something =( But on a happy note, I’m so beyond glad to hear how well Aus went![/quote]

Horray for the end is near! Boo for no PAXing. :<

I’ll have to send my support in the form as cookies as well. The school isn’t offering crap for classes, and now in order to graduate on time (Or possibly a quarter early) I’m taking 5 classes again. Spring Quarter I know that i’ll be taking some night time classes too. What a great way to welcome the hubs back. Drop him off at home from the airport, then go back to school. Just one more year, just one more year.

I really don’t want to be excited that I’m going to pax east, because my internship fell through. Just means I graduate that much earlier, and I still get at least one pax next year. Chin up, all the classes and missed time is worth it. School will be over before you know it.