non-cookie donations, south 2015

We often get questioned about how non-brigadiers can help the brigade. Maybe you’d like to donate some supplies?

Things we need:
Now with a handy dandy wish list:

general office supplies
markers - permanent/sharpie and dry erase
dry erase board - a small one is fine, 8.5x11ish
blue/painters tape
packing tape
rubber bands
safety pins
basic printer paper
bill counter- this is the one we have for East and what I’ll be bringing if we don’t get one for South
money bands
manilla envelopes - the kind with the metal clasp, not the stick close kind
power strip

cookie-handling supplies
cling wrap - the good stuff that actually clings!
plastic baggies - the zip closed kind, some gallon size and some sandwich size
dixie cups - the small bathroom size
ziploc containers - preferably these or a similar size
food-handling gloves

brigade health
hand sanitizer - the big bottle please!
vitamin c
water - the 24-packs of individual water bottles are very helpful

handouts - if you want to donate to these, please message me
business cards

If you can donate any of these items, let us know. We’re currently coordinating a public table for Thursday night where you’ll be able to drop off anything you want to donate and pick up a cookie at the same time.

If someone wants to go out and buy some stuff, I can throw money at this.

I’m working on setting up an amazon wish list with a local so people can just buy off the list and have them shipped to us :slight_smile:

Hi Punzi, I messaged a person for a shipping address for cookies. But was planning on packing up a box of supplies as well. Do you have an amazon wishlist set up? Or should I just plan to send the supply box with cookies?

I believe MaggieTheCat has an amazon wishlist set up.

Just got the wish list link:

Ordering from that wishlist will ship the items directly to me, and I can drop the items off along with the cookies next week. :slight_smile:

The address issue should be fixed.

For reference, if anyone needs to get ahold of me for stuff like this, please PM me here for fastest communications. I didn’t get Paul’s emails until just now 'cuz our email server was acting up. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I’ll bring some:

Rubber Bands
Sandwich Bags
A few sharpies
Personal Hand Sanitizer in bulk if i can find it in my promo stuff

I’ll bring some random bags of nature box stuff to snack on.
I’ll throw in cash for water when I get there.
Swag/codes for stuff If i can get my hands on it. First year for south so there may not be opportunities.