Receiving Brigade Emails

I know some people had had some issues receiving Brigade emails, so I just want to clarify a few things.

You should ensure that your email is whitelisting any emails coming from, including and

Doing so will ensure you’ll receive the emails and they won’t go into your junk mail. If you continue to have issues please let me know.

Newsletters & Event Mailings

For all newsletters and event mailings we use MailChimp. This allows us to easily comply with the CAN-SPAM act and allows you to opt out. These emails are critical for event planning/organizing, we will keep the number of emails to a minimum and promise to never share your address.

These lists are populated through the member list here on the site. If you opt out of these emails you will NOT receive organizing information in email from us, one opt out will remove you from all future mailings using mail chimp!

Forum Updates & Notices

These are automated emails generated by our forum software. The forum will send emails when you receive new PMs, receive an achievement or a topic notifications. It’s also used to activate your account.

To opt out of these emails or to turn off notifications or to turn them on visit your notification settings page.