Welcome to the new brigade website!


To all of our previous members you should find your original username and password work on this site. If you do happen to have an issue logging in please contact me at ransim AT gmail. The new forums are set up a bit different from our old site. You may have noticed that a part of the forums are open and available to outside users. One of our goals with this new site is to try and continue to foster the wonderful community we already have, but we’d like to invite others with an interest in the Brigade to talk and trade information.

This will also allow our bakers and distributors to share information, like recipes, with everyone else.

Does it mean we’re no longer a super cool covert charity guerilla fundraising group?

Not at all. Discussions related directly to PAX and to Brigading should remain behind login and accessible only to brigadiers who have gone through the application process (new process coming shortly!). For our previous members who were active on our old site you will have access to brigade information once you log in.

To everyone else we invite you to get involved and keep an eye out here for information on the Application process which will be detailed shortly.

New Features -

[ul][li]Calendar - We will populate the calendar with important dates related to the brigade and its activities.[/li]
[li]Polls - Curious what other brigadiers think? Feel free to post a poll![/li]
[li]Enhanced Achievements & Awards - coming soon![/li]
[li]Flickr Photos - Want to get your awesome cookie pictures on the site? Just make sure they have the phrase “cookie brigade” somewhere in the description or title![/li]
[li]Mobile Enabled Website - The website is mobile enabled and our forums are accessible using the Tapatalk app for Android and iOS.[/li]
[li]And More! - There is a lot of behind the scenes stuff that brigadiers will hear more about soon and a lot more new functionality then I could type out here.[/li][/ul]

We’re definitely looking for your feedback and ideas on how to improve the site and if you encounter any bugs please report them so we can squash them. The content from the old site was imported even if its not all visible. The organizers will be working to get it moved to its appropriate place as necessary over the next few weeks.