I assume that almost all of us, since we attend PAX, are gamers, so what was the one game that for you was GOTY this year? It doesn’t need to have been released this year, just something you played.

My GOTY so far is actually Lost Planet 3. I know the game got some mediocre reviews (I purposely avoided any reviews before playing so it wouldn’t color my opinion) but I’m really enjoying it.

The graphics are absolutely gorgeous. The game has a very cinematic feel to it, and the voice actors are fantastic. I actually feel sort of like I’m in an Aliens movie. I love that. It’s a 3rd person shooter, but you also spend a bunch of time in your rig, which is a big robotish machine with a drill for one arm that is very good at smashing things. If you really enjoy smashing things…this is a fun, fun game! (Hint: I love to SMASHY SMASHY!) Although not an actual horror game, the sci-fi plot has some heart pounding moments, and it is certainly very creepy at times.

Saints Row 4.

So much laughing.


OMG how have I never seen that video before?? It’s also so characteristic of the 80’s that the woman is nearly naked…but you can’t see her belly button!

I know a lot of people that would agree with you on SR4.

Cards Against Humanity

In all seriousness though, Wildstar looked pretty darned awesome. I even got one of this Pinny Arcade pins from them too!


Yes, I’m serious.

I haven’t played through SR IV yet though as the Steam Multiplayer is buggy, and Crypt of the Necrodancer isn’t out yet.

Why no Bioshock: Infinite? Because I’m bored of the FPS, and it’s brilliant plot couldn’t help the fact that it’s the same gameplay over and over again.