My name is Chris or Ashrack, and I just joined a few minutes ago. I am a PAX Enforcer for the last 6 years, and for years the Cookie Brigade has come up to the Satellite Theaters and provided free cookies for a group of tired nerds trying to keep our lines from blocking fire lanes.
I have Celiac Disease and cannot consume gluten of any kind. And that includes Gluten Free Oats which still trigger effects in some Celiac people. Yet the Cookie Brigade has still come through with Gluten Free treats even for me.
As such, I wanted to join, and spend a day baking some cookies to donate to the cause before I don my [E] shirt and get to the business of making PAX awesome. I intend to make some gluten free cookies (that I will certainly test thoroughly before donating) along with some normal cookie options, if of course that is acceptable.
I’m actually not a big fan of baking or cooking in general (the occasional BBQ), so I can’t say that I’m going to freeze a mountain of dough and drop off a truckload of cookies, but hopefully I can provide a tasty addition back for all the times the brigade has stopped up and kept us running.